How to use the svymean () function if I have missings in the comments?


I'm using the svymean () function of the Survey package, but when the data has missings ("NA"), calculated.

Please, does anyone know how to solve this?

asked by anonymous 20.10.2014 / 14:00

2 answers


The svymean function has a na.rm argument that by default is FALSE , ie if you do not quote the argument in the function call, it will use the FALSE value. If you do

svymean(..., na.rm = T)

She should do the calculation by deleting missing observations, which should solve your problem.

20.10.2014 / 14:48

Daniel's answer is correct: just add the parameter na.rm = TRUE . I only add that care should be taken when using this parameter when we analyze more than 1 variable at the same time (I do not know if that is the case), since survey removes the observation that has NA in at least 1 of the analyzed variables , even if in another variable it is not missing. For example:

exemplo <- data.frame(ID = 1:10, var = rnorm(10), var2 = rnorm(10, 5), peso = rchisq(10, 5))
exemplo[10, 2] <- NA # Acrescento um missing na variável var
amostra <- svydesign(ids = ~ ID, data = exemplo, weights = ~ peso)
svymean(~ var + var2, design = amostra, na.rm = TRUE)
svymean(~ var2, design = amostra, na.rm = TRUE)

At first svymean we get:

        mean     SE
var  0.56224 0.3166
var2 5.07549 0.4867

Already in the second (only for var2):

       mean     SE
var2 5.0833 0.4393
28.10.2014 / 20:13