Relationship of classes by collections in JPA2


In a bean that has a OneToMany link, with others, through a HashMap what annotations should be used?

  class Rodada{
      public HashMap<Pergunta,Resposta> perguntas;
asked by anonymous 29.09.2014 / 21:27

1 answer


This relationship would be best structured within a wrapper class for these two entities:

public class Questao {

   private int id;
   private Pergunta pergunta;
   private Resposta resposta;

   // getter, setter, hashCode, equals


So in your round class:

public class Rodada {
  //Id omitido
  @JoinColumn(name = "rodada_id")
  private Set<Questao> questoes;

  // getter, setter, hashCode, equals  


If you still want to keep it as it is, here is an example taken from SOen that may help you:

Map<String, Person> personMap;
30.09.2014 / 01:30