How do I activate a user's registration by email?


Well, when registering the user has their ACTIVE set to 0, how to send an email with a link so that when clicking on this link the user will update the asset to 1.

asked by anonymous 21.08.2014 / 00:38

1 answer


I generate a token and save it to my user, then I search the user database containing that token in the database, so you retrieve the user without much work. To generate the token I use the following methods

public function onRegistrationSuccess($user)
    if (null === $user->getConfirmationToken()) {


public function generateToken()
    return rtrim(strtr(base64_encode($this->getRandomNumber()), '+/', '-_'), '=');

private function getRandomNumber()
    return hash('sha256', uniqid(mt_rand(), true), true);

You can use openssl to change the randomNumber method to this one

private function getRandomNumber()
    $nbBytes = 32;

    $bytes = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($nbBytes, $strong);

    if (false !== $bytes && true === $strong) {
        return $bytes;

    throw new \Exception('OpenSSL não produziu um número aleatório seguro.');

21.08.2014 / 14:07