I would like to know how to create a validation with preg_macth()
where you have to accept these keyboard characters:
Less spaces.
I would like to know how to create a validation with preg_macth()
where you have to accept these keyboard characters:
Less spaces.
You need to include these characters in the accepted list (the part between [
and ]
). Since in your list some characters have special meaning in regular expressions, you must escape them with \
From the analysis I made of your need, using the ASCII table , and the attack command for hexadecimal \x##
you can reduce your regex to simply:
That will encompass all your characters.
! 21
" 22
# 23
$ 24
% 25
& 26
' 27
( 28
) 29
* 2A
+ 2B
, 2C
- 2D
. 2E
/ 2F
0-9 30 a 39
: 3A
; 3B
< 3C
= 3D
> 3E
? 3F
@ 40
A-Z 41 a 5A
[ 5B
\ 5C
] 5D
^ 5E
_ 5F
' 60
a-z 61 a 7A
{ 7B
| 7C
} 7D
~ 7E