Looking at the code of the seasonplot
function of the forecast
package, note that these values are not as arguments but within the code. So one solution would be to change those parts of the code that are in English into Portuguese:
seasonplot2 <- function (x, s, season.labels = NULL, year.labels = FALSE, year.labels.left = FALSE,
type = "o", main, ylab = "", xlab = NULL, col = 1, labelgap = 0.1,
mes <- c("Jan", "Fev", "Mar", "Abr", "Mai",
"Jun", "Jul", "Ago", "Set", "Out", "Nov", "Dez")
if (missing(main))
main = paste("Seasonal plot:", deparse(substitute(x)))
if (missing(s))
s = frequency(x)
if (s <= 1)
stop("Frequency must be > 1")
tsx <- x
if (start(x)[2] > 1)
x <- c(rep(NA, start(x)[2] - 1), x)
x <- c(x, rep(NA, s - length(x)%%s))
Season <- rep(c(1:s, NA), length(x)/s)
xnew <- rep(NA, length(x))
xnew[!is.na(Season)] <- x
if (s == 12) {
labs <- mes
xLab <- "Mês"
else if (s == 4) {
labs <- mes[c(1, 4, 7, 10)]
xLab <- "Trimestre"
else if (s == 7) {
labs <- c("Dom", "Seg", "Ter", "Qua", "Qui", "Sex",
xLab <- "Dia"
else {
labs <- NULL
xLab <- "Season"
if (is.null(xlab))
xlab <- xLab
if (is.null(season.labels))
season.labels <- labs
if (year.labels)
xlim <- c(1 - labelgap, s + 0.4 + labelgap)
else xlim <- c(1 - labelgap, s)
if (year.labels.left)
xlim[1] <- 0.4 - labelgap
plot(Season, xnew, xaxt = "n", xlab = xlab, type = type,
ylab = ylab, main = main, xlim = xlim, col = 0, ...)
nn <- length(Season)/s
col <- rep(col, nn)[1:nn]
for (i in 0:(nn - 1)) lines(Season[(i * (s + 1) + 1):((s +
1) * (i + 1))], xnew[(i * (s + 1) + 1):((s + 1) * (i +
1))], type = type, col = col[i + 1], ...)
if (year.labels) {
idx <- which(Season[!is.na(xnew)] == s)
year <- time(tsx)[idx]
text(x = rep(s + labelgap, length(year)), y = tsx[idx],
labels = paste(c(trunc(year))), adj = 0, ..., col = col[1:length(idx)])
if (year.labels.left) {
idx <- which(Season[!is.na(xnew)] == 1)
year <- time(tsx)[idx]
if (min(idx) > 1)
col <- col[-1]
text(x = rep(1 - labelgap, length(year)), y = tsx[idx],
labels = paste(c(trunc(year))), adj = 1, ..., col = col[1:length(idx)])
if (is.null(labs))
axis(1, ...)
else axis(1, labels = season.labels, at = 1:s, ...)