Inside the wordpress administrative panel, I need to create about 10 pages, where each user only has access to the page that corresponds to him.
User X would only have access to the admin panel of page X and user Y would only have access to the admin panel of page Y.
AsfarasIknow,wordpressdoesnotprovidesomethinglikedefault.I'vetriedusingsomeplug-inslike Adminimize and Members , but in both the blocking is done only for the post-type "pages" ie they only block the access of all the pages hiding the left-field pages field for blocked users, for example:
Adminimizepanel-"Pages" field on the left side menu for blocked users.
Consider the following questions:
How can I create other types of users besides the wordpress default (admin, publisher, subscriber ...)?
NOTE: There is no problem if the proposed solution has to use "post" instead of "pages".