Developed in PHP compatible with the minimum version 5.3.7, and to my dismay, the version that is installed on the Apache server is 5.2.17.
How can I manually upload the new PHP version via ftp to upgrade?
I researched some things like:
It can be done through a .htaccess file, which should be in the folder where I have my scripts , informing the server that it will run the specified version of PHP.
AddHandler php53-script .php .php5 .php56 .pht .phtm .phtml suPHP_ConfigPath /home/user/public_html/quero_que_seja_executada_a_nova_versão_nesta_pasta
The problem of this is the php.ini file, which I do not know if I can indicate to read my, not the server's.
- Can be done by creating an Apache Handler direct with cPanel
- There are those who say they have no way, as it is exclusively done on the server in the Apache bin
Does anyone know how, or at least enlighten me, with some way where I can do this?