SQL using an Array of words


This is the following I have a search field on a form where the user types for example a color or product and is returned to it a list of products with the characteristics typed in the form, the problem and the following, when I pass the array in SQL I get returned: Notice: Array to string conversion, however I saw right here in the .stack publications where arrays were passed within sql. Here is the PHP code responsible for creating the Array:

            $values = explode(' ',$values);
            $keywords = array();
            foreach($values as $value){
                $value = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
                $value = '%' . $value . '%;';
                $keywords[] = $value;
            $query = "SELECT title, urlvideo FROM $colunm WHERE title ILIKE ANY ($keywords)";
            echo $query;

Base Link: en pt link .stackoverflow

Would it be possible to do this in PDO as well?

asked by anonymous 23.12.2014 / 14:51

1 answer

  • That question Select with undefined number of conditions is about PostgreSQL and your code is about MySQL, so it probably can not work.
  • ILIKE is not supported by MySQL, you can use multiple LIKE s or REGEXP in MySQL to achieve the same effect.
  • ANY in MySQL is different from PostgreSQL, while in PostgreSQL you use it to query using arrays, in MySQL you use it to query with sub-queries ( link )
  • PHP should be a string , you should use implode to join array to string with the format of array to MySQL, in this way ( you may come to use PostgreSQL ):
  • Note that MySQL support case-insensitive query you should use collections with the final _ci , for example: utf8_general_ci
  • PostgreSQL:

    '{"' . implode('", "', $keywords) . '"}'

    And remove the semicolon from this line:

    $value = '%' . $value . '%;'; thus leaving $value = '%' . $value . '%';


    One tip: I believe the correct one would be to retrieve the value, using as $k => $v

    MySQL LIKE with implode :

    Note that in this example you need to use "apostrophes": $value = '\'%' . $value . '%\'';

            foreach($values as $k => $v){
                $value = mysql_real_escape_string($v);
                $value = '\'%' . $value . '%\''; //Adicionado apóstrofos
                $keywords[] = $value;
            $query = 'SELECT title, urlvideo FROM ' . $colunm . ' WHERE title LIKE ' . implode(' OR title LIKE ', $keywords);

    It should return something like:

    SELECT title, urlvideo FROM table WHERE title LIKE '%A%' or title LIKE '%B%' or title LIKE '%C%'


    Note that using REGEXP you should remove the % signs of this line $value = '%' . $value . '%'; thus leaving $value = $value; , because these signals are needed in this case only with LIKE .

            foreach($values as $k => $v){
                $value = mysql_real_escape_string($v);
                $value = $value; //Removido %
                $keywords[] = $value;
            $query = 'SELECT title, urlvideo FROM ' . $colunm . ' WHERE title REGEXP \'' . implode('|', $keywords) . '\'';

    It should return something like:

    SELECT title, urlvideo FROM table WHERE title REGEXP 'A|B|C'

    Using PDO:

    It is possible to work arrays directly with prepare , as this answer from SOen .


    Note that it is necessary to pass % to execute , because if you use prepare like this:    prepare('SELECT title, urlvideo FROM table WHERE title title LIKE \'%?%\''); the server will interpret the code as: SELECT title, urlvideo FROM table WHERE title title LIKE '%'?'%' , that is, it will add apostrophes (AKA single quotes) within the '%...%'

    Example usage:

    $values = explode(' ', $values);
    $keywords = array();
    foreach($values as $k => $v){
        $keywords[] = '%' . $v . '%';
    $db = new PDO(...);
    $keys = 'title LIKE ' . str_repeat('? OR title LIKE ', count($keywords) - 1) . '?';
    $sth = $db->prepare('SELECT title, urlvideo FROM ' . $colunm . ' WHERE ' . $keys);
    $response = $sth->execute($keywords);
    if ($response) {
        while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
    } else {
        echo 'Erro: ';

    Documentation PDOStatement :: execute

    Using PDO and REGEXP:

    $values = explode(' ', $values);
    $db = new PDO(...);
    $keys = str_repeat('?|', count($values) - 1) . '?';
    $sth = $db->prepare('SELECT title, urlvideo FROM ' . $colunm . ' WHERE title REGEXP \'' . $keys . '\'');

    23.12.2014 / 14:57