Report does not comply with formatting when exported to PDF


I created a report in iReport that contains formatting (fonts, bold and italic). In the preview of the iReport itself it appears correctly, but when I use it within a demoiselle-jsf-jpa project and export to PDF, it does not conform to the formatting.

I followed the wiki below the Jaspersoft community, which explains how to use the font extensions feature to solve the problem: link

In summary, iReports creates a JAR with fonts and their variations, which should be placed in the "ClassPath". Is this the same as putting on build path? I tried for Eclipse, adding JAR to build path, but it did not work.

Has anyone ever had this problem and been able to solve it?

demoiselle-jsf-jpa 2.4.2
JasperReports and iReport 4.0.1


asked by anonymous 25.06.2015 / 14:02

1 answer


Man, these times I went through a similar problem, what happened was that the size and fonts of the report did not configure the system, try to look for some .jar with the font type that you will use and put in the report module of your project, update your list of irejar .jar's or jasperreports. That's what solved my problem. Hug! Doubts ask aê!

25.06.2015 / 14:51