Consume API fipe in C # [closed]


I am doing studies in C # and MySql. I created a combobox called Marca and another call Modelo .

I want to run the fipe api to search for makes and models of vehicles. There is this address below informing you how to consult, but I would like a more detailed guidance on how to do this in C #.


Note: These fields (make, model) will be saved in the bank

Thank you

asked by anonymous 22.02.2016 / 15:27

1 answer


There are several ways to do this, including I do not know if the question does not fit as too broad.

Anyway, I'll show you how to make a request GET using RestSharp because it makes the whole issue of requesting, serializing / deserializing the data, etc. very much easier.

You can install it via nuget with the


PM > Install-Package RestSharp

Request example GET to

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        var client = new RestClient
            BaseUrl = new Uri("")

        var req = new RestRequest("api/1/{tipo}/marcas.json", Method.GET);

        req.AddParameter("tipo", "carros", ParameterType.UrlSegment);

        var response = client.Execute(req);
        var contentResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Marca>>(response.Content);
        // ^ Nesta lista vão estar todas as marcas da resposta      

public class Marca
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Key { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Fipe_Name { get; set; }

Code in GitHub for future reference

Note that Marca is a type that you must create. response.Content is the return in the original format ( JSON ) and contentResponse will be a List<Marca> , that is, the JSON original deserialized.     

22.02.2016 / 15:52