Comparison of values with SELECT


Hello, I'm creating a search project and need to make a commit in my database.

I have an "establishments" table in my SQLite database, with the following columns: id, name and category . And a String variable named " nameStab "

I need to make a comparison between the value of the variable and the data of the database, that is, I need to check if there is any field inside the name column that has the same variable value, return a True for example, otherwise, return a False.

Follow the codes ..

SQL Code

    SQLiteDatabase db = openOrCreateDatabase("pesquisa.db", Context.MODE_PRIVATE, null);

    StringBuilder sqlEstabelicimento = new StringBuilder();
    sqlEstabelicimento.append("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS [estabelecimentos](");
    sqlEstabelicimento.append("[_id] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, ");
    sqlEstabelicimento.append("nm_estab VARCHAR(100), ");
    sqlEstabelicimento.append("categoria VARCHAR(50));");


Java code

    public void pesquisar(View view){
    SQLiteDatabase db = openOrCreateDatabase("pesquisa.db", Context.MODE_PRIVATE, null);

    EditText nomeDigitado = (EditText) findViewById(;
    String texto = nomeDigitado.getText().toString();

     db.execSQL("SELECT nm_estab FROM estabelecimentos WHERE nm_estab = '"+texto+"'");
    catch (Exception erro){

asked by anonymous 08.11.2015 / 00:39

1 answer


This is the SELECT:

SELECT * FROM estabelecimentos WHERE nome LIKE '%suaVariavel%'
08.11.2015 / 00:53