As you can see in documentation , to use formatting with homes of thousands using the character ,
, just the following code:
If you want to modify ,
by .
This only applies to the version of python 2.7+. From this SOEN response , you can do this for older versions by using locale.format () , as follows:
import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') #pega o local da máquina e seta o locale
locale.format('%d', num_int, 1)
This will grab the location tab. In the case of Brazil, for example, it will be .
, in the case of some countries, like the US, it will be ,
. Remember that it is possible to change the second parameter to the desired location.
Example with question code
Python 2.7 +
valor_m = int(input("Digite um valor em metros: ")) #se for 2.x deve ser raw_input ao invés de input
valor_mm = valor_m * 1000
resultado = '{0:,}'.format(valor_mm).replace(',','.') #Aqui coloca os pontos
print (resultado)
Input and output:
input: 2345
output: 2.345.000
Python 2.6 -
import locale
valor_m = int(raw_input("Digite um valor em metros: "))
valor_mm = valor_m * 1000
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') #pega o local da máquina e seta o locale
resultado = locale.format('%d', valor_mm, 1)
print resultado
Input and output:
input: 2345
'Portuguese_Brazil.1252' #Caso esteja interpretador no modo interativo