C # - How to close the login form (initial form of the program) after calling another form?


I've been able to do the whole database part of the login form, so if the user enters login / password with data that is in the database, he can access.

But when I open the other form, the login does not close and the most I could do was hide it with this.visible = false;

I want the second form to open and the login to close without the whole application crashing, since with this.close () / close () everything would close!

My login button code looks like this:

Note: "access" is a Boolean variable that I assign when I was creating the login part with login / password of the program database.

if (acessar == true)
            MessageBox.Show("Logado com sucesso!");
            this.Visible = false;

            Form2 novaform = new Form2();


            MessageBox.Show("Erro ao logar");          
asked by anonymous 30.11.2015 / 00:41

2 answers


Take a look at this post: link

Basically, do the following when showing your Form2:

var form2 = new Form2();
form2.Closed += (s, args) => this.Close(); 

The first form is "hidden" until the second is closed, firing the Closed event that will actually close the first one.

30.11.2015 / 00:50

I've done something like this in my program.

//dentro da classe base do programa
public static bool reconect = true;
public static Usuario usuario = null;

//metodo Main()
    reconect = false;
    Application.Run(new Login());
    // a variavel usuario é do tipo static, e é modificada quando o login é efetuado;
    if (usuario != null)
        //caso seja feito o logoff, o usuario é setado em null e reconect para true.
        //se a TelaPrincipal ou Login for fechada ela automaticamente quebra o loop
        Application.Run(new TelaPrincipal());
30.11.2015 / 01:53