I have an event on the start button, every time I load, 3 threads are started that start counting from 30 to 0, which reaches 1 to 0 wins. But however I reload the start button a few times and the count starts at 30 and does everything the same, if you continue to press the start button a second or two times it will fail and stop running the thread. My question is: I start three threads when I press the start button but to redo this in the same frame do I have to kill the threads or interrupt them?
c1, c2, c3 are Horse objects.
Horse Racing Class
iniciar.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { c1.setMovimentos(30); c2.setMovimentos(30); c3.setMovimentos(30); c1.start(); //start iniciar o run da thread cavalo c1 - classe cavalo c2.start(); c3.start(); } });
Horse class extends thread - where I define instructions from it
@Override public void run(){ try { while(movimentos > 0){ sleep((long) (500*Math.random())); movimentos--; textField.setText(Integer.toString(movimentos)); //Converter Inteiro para String } } catch (InterruptedException e) { interrupt(); } }