Select to bring specific record of an id


I would like to know how to get a specific record of a fk, I have the hosting table and the consumption (with codHospedagem ). When I select some hosting, I click on the consumption button of my consumption screen.

I need to bring into consumption the consumption records of that hosting that I select, because my select is not working, it only brings the empty line. Below the code:

SELECT c.codConsumo as Consumo,c.codHospedagem as Hospedagem , 
p.nomeProduto AS Produto, 
c.quantidade, c.valorConsumo, c.status 
FROM consumo c   
INNER JOIN  produto AS p ON p.codProduto = c.codProduto                   
INNER JOIN hospedagem AS H ON H.codHospedagem = C.codHospedagem                 
WHERE H.codHospedagem = c.codConsumo
ORDER BY c.codConsumo ; 
asked by anonymous 19.05.2016 / 23:27

1 answer


Check the syntax of where because you are filtering the hosting by the consumption code, not the hosting related to the consumption.


In your code, H.codHospedagem is related to C.CodHospedagem , then your where should contain a reference to hosting and not to consumption .

SELECT c.codConsumo as Consumo,c.codHospedagem as Hospedagem , 
p.nomeProduto AS Produto, 
c.quantidade, c.valorConsumo, c.status 
FROM consumo c   
INNER JOIN  produto AS p ON p.codProduto = c.codProduto                   
INNER JOIN hospedagem AS H ON H.codHospedagem = C.codHospedagem                 
WHERE H.codHospedagem = /*c.codConsumo*/
ORDER BY c.codConsumo ; 
19.05.2016 / 23:48