Return vehicles that have all parts in a given table


I have the following question, in my database I have the following tables:

|      veiculo      |
| idVeiculo | placa |

|        peca       |
| idPeca | nomePeca |

|      relVeiPec     |
| idVeiculo | idPeca |

| pecaObrig |
|   idPeca  |

I need a SELECT in the relVeiPec table to return vehicles that have all parts of the pecaObrig table.

I've tried the IN clause, but it returns the vehicle that has any part of the pecaObrig table, I wanted it to return the vehicle which would have all the parts of this table and not any.

SELECT vp.idVeiculo, v.placa, vp.idPeca, p.nomePeca FROM relVeiPec AS vp
INNER JOIN veiculo AS v ON v.idVeiculo = vp.idVeiculo
INNER JOIN peca AS p ON p.idPeca = vp.idPeca
WHERE vp.idPeca IN (SELECT idPeca FROM pecaObrig) 
asked by anonymous 27.05.2016 / 20:54

2 answers


The below query would be an example of how to do this.

--|      veiculo      |
--| idVeiculo | placa |

--|        peca       |
--| idPeca | nomePeca |

--|      relVeiPec     |
--| idVeiculo | idPeca |

--| pecaObrig |
--|   idPeca  |

Declare @Veiculos table
    idVeiculo int,  
    placa varchar(7)

insert into @Veiculos values 

Declare @Peca table
    idPeca int,     
    nomePeca varchar(20)

insert into @Peca values 

Declare @pecaObrig table 
    idPeca int

insert into @pecaObrig values 

Declare @relVeiPec table
    idVeiculo int, 
    idPeca int

insert into @relVeiPec values (1,1) ,(1,2) ,(1,3) ,(1,4) ,(1,5),(1,6),
(2,1) ,(2,2) ,(2,6),(3,1) ,(3,2),(3,4) ,(3,6),(4,1) ,(4,4) ,(4,5);

SELECT vp.idVeiculo, v.placa, vp.idPeca, p.nomePeca 
    FROM @relVeiPec AS vp
    INNER JOIN @Veiculos AS v 
        ON v.idVeiculo = vp.idVeiculo
    INNER JOIN @Peca AS p 
        ON p.idPeca = vp.idPeca
        WHERE v.idVeiculo in (
                    select idVeiculo 
                        from @pecaObrig po
                        join @relVeiPec rcp
                        on rcp.idPeca = po.idPeca
                        group by idVeiculo
                        having count(rcp.idPeca)  = (select count(*) from @pecaObrig)

Or you can use EXISTS which is more efficient than IN

SELECT vp.idVeiculo, v.placa, vp.idPeca, p.nomePeca 
FROM @relVeiPec AS vp
INNER JOIN @Veiculos AS v ON v.idVeiculo = vp.idVeiculo
INNER JOIN @Peca AS p ON p.idPeca = vp.idPeca
    select idVeiculo from @pecaObrig po
    join @relVeiPec rcp
    on rcp.idPeca = po.idPeca
    where idVeiculo = vp.idVeiculo
    group by idVeiculo
    having count(rcp.idPeca)  = (select count(*) from @pecaObrig)
27.05.2016 / 21:34


SELECT v.* FROM pecaobrig c
RIGHT JOIN relveipec a on a.idPeca = c.idPeca 
INNER JOIN veiculo v on v.idVeiculo=a.idVeiculo
WHERE not(c.idPeca is null)
GROUP BY a.idVeiculo 
HAVING count(a.idVeiculo) = (SELECT count(idPeca) FROM pecaobrig)

To optimize create a StoredProcedure


CREATE PROCEDURE 'test1'.'VeiculosComPecasObrigatorias' ()

    DECLARE qtde int;
    SET qtde = (SELECT count(idPeca) FROM pecaobrig);

    SELECT v.* FROM pecaobrig c
    RIGHT JOIN relveipec a on a.idPeca = c.idPeca 
    INNER JOIN veiculo v on v.idVeiculo=a.idVeiculo
    WHERE not(c.idPeca is null)
    GROUP BY a.idVeiculo 
    HAVING count(a.idVeiculo) = qtde;          
27.05.2016 / 22:43