Skyrim style item system


I'm developing a 2D RPG in Skyrim style C #, and I'm in the part of implementing the game items, but with a lot of difficulties. I wanted to do a Skyrim-like mechanic in which you have a range of items sorted in a variety of ways such as armaduras , armas , poções , anéis , amuletos . Some items can be encantados and desencantados , but some items are restricted to specific incantations . I've created a class diagram to represent the system but I do not think it's very flexible. As it stands, it seems that if I want to create more types of items in the future, new classes will have to be created. If there are 1000 items in the game and I have to create a class for each one I am, as it says, "chipped".

Another problem I am facing is the implementation of spells. Whoever played Skyrim knows very well how it works. Suppose you want to enchant a ring with an enchantment that increases the player's HP. For this it is necessary to use a charmer and possess the enchantment of HP. I will not use the soul stones scheme . The effectiveness of the enchantment will depend on the player's current attributes. The more skillful in enchantment, the greater the amount of HP added by enchantment. But I end up falling in the same case of the items; for each incantation a class?

Here's the diagram:


    int price = 0;
    boolean questItem = false;
    boolean equiped = false;

    public Item(Player p) {
        possesor = p;
public interface Equipable {
    void equip();
    void unequip();
public interface Consumable {
    void consume();

import sun.reflect.generics.reflectiveObjects.NotImplementedException;

public class Tester {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Item ringOfLife = new Item(new Player(0)) {

            public void consume() {
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            public void unequip() {
                if (equiped) {
                    possesor.hp -= 10;
                    equiped = false;

            public void equip() {
                // Ok, eu sei, isso deveria ser um encantamento ,-,
                if (!equiped) {
                    possesor.hp += 10;
                    equiped = true;

        assert(ringOfLife.possesor.hp == 0);
        assert(ringOfLife.equiped == false);
        assert(ringOfLife.possesor.hp == 10);
        assert(ringOfLife.equiped == true);
        assert(ringOfLife.possesor.hp == 0);
        assert(ringOfLife.equiped == false);

I think I've provided all the necessary information. What do you think? Do you recommend some Design Pattern ?

asked by anonymous 20.09.2016 / 07:15

1 answer


I only recommend that you work with Interfaces , rather than just inheritance. This article has a legal example, including characters and weapons, about Dependency Injection .

I do not recommend using Ninject specifically as your DI. I recommend the SimpleInjector , because it is also simple to implement, is lighter and also the faster on the market .

20.09.2016 / 10:41