Well, I need help in capturing information from a running process. I can accomplish this task by accessing mainmodule
of 32-bit processes, however, I can not do the same with 64-bit processes. I do not know if the reason is I'm trying to access such information through a 32-bit application.
I can access the mainmodule
of 64-bit processes, however, the return is null.
foreach (Process clsProcess in Process.GetProcesses())
//Capturando a descrição de um processo em execução
string nomeProd = clsProcess.MainModule.FileVersionInfo.FileDescription.ToString();
As said, it works perfectly on a 32-bit computer, as it does not contain 64-bit programs. However, I am developing the application for both types (32 and 64), and I need help to capture the information in a 64-bit process.