Read and write data to serial port via openedge / progress


I have an application that sends COM4 a loop like this ...


I need to intercept this string to process and return on the same COM4 port that will stop sending this string until starting a new loop with a new string within this format.

I tested the programs below without success.


def button stop-it label "STOP".

def var stop-sel  as logical   no-undo initial false.
def var lv_tag    as character no-undo.

display stop-it.

on choose of stop-it
    stop-sel = true.

input from com4.
   enable stop-it.
   process events.
   import lv_tag.
input close.

But the above program locks up and brings nothing, nor does it enable the button.


def var i-abre                  as integer   no-undo initial 3.
def var i-le-grava              as integer   no-undo initial -1073741824.
def var bit-flags               as integer   no-undo.
def var l-rc                    as logical   no-undo.
def var l-ativo                 as logical   no-undo initial false.
def var i-rc                    as integer   no-undo.
def var i-com-handle            as integer   no-undo.
def var i-cont1                 as integer   no-undo.
def var i-cont2                 as integer   no-undo.
def var m-estr-dcb              as memptr    no-undo.
def var m-com-status            as memptr    no-undo.
def var m-recebe                as memptr    no-undo.
def var m-envio                 as memptr    no-undo.
def var c-estrutura             as character no-undo format "X(28)".
def var c-status-estrut         as character no-undo format "X(5)".
def var c-recebe                as character no-undo format "X(1024)".
def var c-transmite             as character no-undo format "X(1024)".

/* Windows API Procedure Definitions --- */

procedure ClearCommError external "KERNEL32.DLL":
   def input        param nCid      as long   no-undo. /* COMMUNICATIONS HANDLE */
   def input-output param errormask as memptr no-undo. /* POINTER TO STATUS DATA */
   def input-output param comstat   as memptr no-undo. /* POINTER TO STATUS DATA */
/*    def return parameter nReturn as short no-undo. */
end procedure.

procedure CreateFileA external "kernel32.DLL":
   def input  param szDevice             as character no-undo. /* DEVICE NAME */
   def input  param fdwAccess            as long      no-undo.
   def input  param fdwShareMode         as long      no-undo.
   def input  param lpsa                 as long      no-undo.
   def input  param fdwCreate            as long      no-undo.
   def input  param fdwAttrFlags         as long      no-undo.
   def input  param hTemplate            as long      no-undo.
   def return param nCid                 as long      no-undo.
end procedure.

procedure CloseHandle external "KERNEL32.DLL":
   def input param nCid as long no-undo. /* COMMUNICATIONS HANDLE */
end procedure.

procedure GetCommState external "KERNEL32.DLL":
   def input        param nCid    as long      no-undo. /* CONFIG STRING IN DOS MODE FORMAT */
   def input-output param lpDCB   as memptr    no-undo. /* POINTER TO A DCB STRUCTURE */
   def return       param nReturn as short     no-undo. /* RETURN CODE */
end procedure.

procedure SetCommTimeouts external "KERNEL32.DLL":
   def input        parameter nCid       as long   no-undo. /* COMMUNICATIONS HANDLE */
   def input-output parameter lpTimeouts as memptr no-undo. /* TIMEOUT VALUES */
   def return       parameter nReturn    as short  no-undo. /* RETURN CODE */
end procedure. 

procedure FlushComm external "USER.EXE":
   def input  parameter nCid    as short no-undo. /* COMMUNICATIONS HANDLE */
   def input  parameter nQueue  as short no-undo. /* WHICH BUFFER TO FLUSH */
   def return parameter nReturn as short no-undo. /* RETURN CODE */
end procedure.

procedure SetCommState external "KERNEL32.DLL":
   def input        parameter nCid    as long   no-undo. /* POINTER TO A DCB STRUCTURE */
   def input-output parameter lpDCB   as memptr no-undo. /* POINTER TO A DCB STRUCTURE */
   def return       parameter nReturn as short  no-undo. /* RETURN CODE */
end procedure.

procedure ReadFile external "KERNEL32.DLL":
   def input        param nCid         as long   no-undo. /* COMMUNICATIONS HANDLE */
   def input-output param lpBuf        as memptr no-undo. /* POINTER TO A RECEIVE BUFFER */
   def input        param nSizetoRead  as long   no-undo. /* NUMBER OF BYTES TO RECEIVE */
   def input-output param nSizeActRead as memptr no-undo. /* NUMBER OF BYTES TO RECEIVE */
   def input        param nullptr      as long   no-undo. /* NUMBER OF BYTES TO RECEIVE */
   def return       param nReturn      as short  no-undo. /* RETURN CODE */
end procedure.

procedure WriteFile external "KERNEL32.DLL":
   def input        parameter nCid         as long   no-undo. /* COMMUNICATIONS HANDLE */
   def input-output parameter lpBuf        as memptr no-undo. /* POINTER TO A TRANSMIT BUFFER */
   def input        parameter nSizetowrite as long   no-undo. /* NUMBER OF BYTES TO TRANSMIT */
   def input-output parameter nSizeActwrit as memptr no-undo. /* NUMBER OF BYTES TO RECEIVE */
   def input        parameter nullptr      as long   no-undo. /* NUMBER OF BYTES TO RECEIVE */
   def return       parameter nReturn      as short  no-undo. /* RETURN CODE */
end procedure.

procedure COMMTIMEOUTS external "KERNEL32.DLL":
   def input  parameter ReadIntervalTimeout            as long no-undo.
   def input  parameter ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier     as long no-undo.
   def input  parameter ReadTotalTimeoutConstant       as long no-undo.
   def input  parameter WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier    as long no-undo.
   def input  parameter WriteTotalTimeoutConstant      as long no-undo.
   def return parameter COMMTIMEOUTS                   as long no-undo.
/*       , *LPCOMMTIMEOUTS; */
end procedure.

/* run ReceiveData (input 5). */
run pi-conecta.
run pi-envia (input 'teste').

/* internal procedure calls*/
procedure pi-conecta:
   /* Porta de comunica‡Æo (COM1) */
   /* \Device
00006d */ def var pi-param-1 as integer no-undo. def var pi-param-2 as integer no-undo. def var pi-param-3 as integer no-undo. def var pi-param-4 as integer no-undo. set-size(ComStatStructurePointer) = 20. put-long(ComStatStructurePointer,1) = 1000. put-long(ComStatStructurePointer,5) = 10. put-long(ComStatStructurePointer,9) = 100. put-long(ComStatStructurePointer,13) = 10. put-long(ComStatStructurePointer,17) = 100. run SetCommTimeouts (CommHandle, input-output ComStatStructurePointer, output nRC). run CreateFileA (input 'COM4', input i-le-grava, input pi-param-1, input pi-param-2, input i-abre, input pi-param-3, input pi-param-4, output i-com-handle). if i-com-handle < 0 then do: message "Handle invalido:" i-com-handle " na procedure pi-conecta" view-as alert-box error. quit. end. set-size(m-estr-dcb) = 29. run GetCommState (i-com-handle, input-output m-estr-dcb, output i-rc). if i-rc <> 0 then do: assign c-estrutura = get-string(m-estr-dcb,1). put-long(m-estr-dcb,5) = 9600. bit-flags = exp(2,9) + exp(2,10). put-long(m-estr-dcb,9) = bit-flags. put-byte(m-estr-dcb,19) = 8. put-byte(m-estr-dcb,20) = 0. run SetCommState (i-com-handle, input-output m-estr-dcb,output i-rc). if i-rc = 0 then do: message "error setting new parameters" view-as alert-box. end. end. else do: message "BuildCommDCB failed in pi-conecta" view-as alert-box error. end. end procedure. procedure ReceiveData: def input parameter numchars as int. def var vm-rec as memptr. /* The ReceiveData Variable Will Contain The Data Read From The Serial Port */ set-size(vm-rec) = 4. if numchars > 0 then do: set-size(m-recebe) = numchars + 1. /* Max Size of Receive Queue */ run ReadFile (i-com-handle, input-output m-recebe, numchars,input-output vm-rec,0, output i-rc). assign c-recebe = get-string(m-recebe,1). if numchars < get-long(vm-rec,1) then do: message "Readcomm did not get all characters". end. set-size(m-recebe) = 0. end. set-size(vm-rec) = 0. end procedure. procedure check-receive: def var errmask as memptr no-undo. def var m-check as memptr no-undo. def var num-chars as integer no-undo. set-size(m-check) = 12. set-size(errmask) = 4. put-long(m-check,1) = 0. put-long(errmask,1) = 0. run ClearCommError(i-com-handle,input-output errmask,input-output m-check /*,output i-rc*/). num-chars = get-long(m-check,5). set-size(errmask) = 0. set-size(m-check) = 0. return string(num-chars). end procedure. procedure pi-envia: def input parameter datatosend as char. def var TotalSize as integer no-undo. def var m-send as memptr no-undo. def var retry-count as integer no-undo initial 0. set-size(m-send) = 4. put-long(m-send,1) = 0. do while length(datatosend)>0: assign c-transmite = DataToSend TotalSize = length(c-transmite). set-size(m-envio) = TotalSize + 1. put-string(m-envio,1) = c-transmite. run WriteFile (i-com-handle,input-output m-envio, TotalSize, input-output m-send,0, output i-rc). case true: when get-long(m-send,1) LT TotalSize then do: message "transmitdata sent " i-rc " of " totalsize " at " time "retry=" retry-count. assign retry-count = retry-count + 1. datatosend = substring( c-transmite , absolute(i-rc) + 1 ). pause 1 no-message. end. otherwise do: datatosend = "". end. end case. set-size(m-envio) = 0. end. set-size(m-send) = 0. end procedure.

Has anyone done anything like this and can you give me a hint?

asked by anonymous 16.11.2016 / 17:20

1 answer


You can open INPUT STREAM of ports COM (unfortunately only between 1 and 9):

INPUT STREAM MinhaStream FROM value("COM1")

Reference: Progress Knowledge Base - How to read data from a serial port?

16.11.2016 / 17:47