Logical help with PHP using Twitter API


Well, the idea is this, I'm using API of Twitter to do user authentication, I'm using the following resource: link .

I used this video to help me authenticate, it's exactly the same: link

The logic:

All users who authorize the application , are subject to following and receiving other followers ... Twitter does not provide this feature, but you can do it using PHP , Javascript , JSON etc ...

My problem

I authenticated some users in localhost, accounts fakes , when authenticating and authorizing the application, screen_name is saved in a table in banco de dados , understood? I want to type a roulette, one follows the other automatically.

OBS: I have not found anything in the Twitter terms of use saying it is prohibited. (If I'm wrong, please correct me.)

Help me with logic?

Summarizing the question : How to return data from JSON with PHP and then use ajax to roll this?

asked by anonymous 04.06.2017 / 10:06

1 answer


Twitter ToS:


Automated follow / stop actions: It is not allowed to follow or stop following Twitter accounts indiscriminately or in bulk. Actions to follow aggressively is a violation of the Twitter Rules. Review our Follower Rules and Best Practices to ensure their compliance. Keep in mind that apps that claim to get more followers for users are also banned under the Twitter Rules.

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Never surprise users. If your application tweeta to a user or performs actions such as failing to follow, a user should start this - and not be surprised.


Twitter considers spam:



  • If you followed and / or failed to follow a large number of accounts in a short period of time, especially in an automated way (aggressive following behavior or follower rotation);
  • If you follow and stop following people repeatedly, either to create followers or to attract more attention to your profile;


  • If you're following randomly or aggressively, bookmark or retweet Tweets;


  • If you create misleading account interactions or accounts;
  • if you sell or buy account interactions (for example, sell or buy followers, retweets, bookmarks, etc.); and
  • If you promote or use third-party services or apps claiming to get more followers for you (such as follower trains,   sites that promise "more followers quickly" or any other   site that offers to add followers automatically to your   account).

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Please note that terms can be changed frequently, the information contained here may not be updated accordingly, check the links to access the latest information. ;)

Public API:

OAuth has an endpoint to follow other users, it is exactly:


According to the documentation :


Allows the authenticating users to follow the user specified in the ID parameter.

This will be used to follow other people, that you specify the ID, ie informing the token of person X, that person X will follow the specified ID.

The question mentioned in the comments refers to how to login using login / password, at least that was the doubt of this question, this is in fact not possible using the Public API, for obvious reasons, this is explained there. p>     

04.06.2017 / 21:13