I was able to resolve this:
(at this point I'm assuming you've already been able to connect to your database).
Import these faces:
import os
#esse __init__é o arquivo onde salvei as conexões com o banco de dados
from __init__ import mycursor, connection
# csv é o modulo que é usado para ler o arquivo csv
import csv
# modulo datetime é usado para tratar strings como formato de data
from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta, datetime
After importing, I used this command:
Note: this command is not required, I just used it because my code needed to read the same file several times, so better save it to a variable.
caminho_arquivo = './arquivos/seu_arquivo.txt'
Now let's read the file: Warning for the encoding I used latin-1 because my file was saved in this pattern, it may be that your is in another encoding and this may generate errors in the accents and 'ç'.
def ler_e_inserir_arquivo():
with open(caminho_arquivo, newline='', encoding="latin-1") as arquivo:
conteudo = csv.reader(arquivo, delimiter=';')
for coluna in conteudo:
query_com_insert = (
"INSERT INTO nome_tabela(cd_cred,operacao,sigla_assessoria,data_atual)" "VALUES (%(cd_cred)s, %(operacao)s,%(sigla_assessoria)s,%(data_atual)s) "
tratamento_dos_dados = {
'cd_cred': coluna[0],
'operacao': coluna[1],
'sigla_assessoria': coluna[2],
'data_atual': datetime.strptime(coluna[3], "%d/%m/%Y").strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
mycursor.execute(query_com_insert, tratamento_dos_dados)
Let's now break it down:
At this point I am informing ande I want to insert the data (query equal to sql)
INSERT INTO nome_tabela(cd_cred,operacao,sigla_assessoria,data_atual)
At this point I'm passing where the values are, note that there is a% (name) s. Within these relatives is the field name that I defined in the data dictionary.
"VALUES (%(cd_cred)s, %(operacao)s,%(sigla_assessoria)s,%(data_atual)s)
"data_process" is my dictionary in it I assign a key and then its value:
When the query searches the dictionary for the word 'cd_cred' I will pass the information that is in column [0] of my file (remembering that in python the lists start at 0).
Now it comes apart that everyone was looking for, like transforming the date:
'data_atual': datetime.strptime(coluna[3], "%d/%m/%Y").strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
I used the datetime module and "told" payton that the string that was in column [3] should be treated as a date format dd / mm / yyyy (12/20/2017 for example) and then in use sequence the .strftime is asking for python to convert my date to the default aaa-mm-dd (2017-12-20 for example).
After that, I move to the cursor that was defined in the init file to execute the commands:
mycursor.execute(query_com_insert, tratamento_dos_dados)
Ready. Now just put at the end of your file already out of the repeat loop the command:
read_and_read_file ()
So you're 'calling' the function that was defined in the previous steps. I hope I have helped.