Get size of a requisition


On my system, I get several requests, I would like to know if there is a way to get the size of this request ( req ) received in kbs , to get a sense of how much bandwidth was spent for this send .

asked by anonymous 10.03.2017 / 13:32

1 answer


You can use the request-stats module

var requestStats = require('request-stats');
var stats = requestStats(server);

stats.on('complete', function (detalhes) {
    var tamanho = detalhes.req.bytes;

Note that the variable tamanho will receive the amount of bytes from the request, if you want to display it in Kbytes you only need to divide by 1024. >

The object detalhes will look something like this

    ok: true,             //Se a conexão foi fechada corretamente
    time: 0,              // O tempo (em ms) que foi levado para servir a requisição
    req: {
        bytes: 0,         // Quantidade de bytes da requisição
        headers: { ... }, // O headers HTTP da requisição
        method: 'POST',   // O método HTTP usado pelo client
        path: '...'       // O caminho da URL requisitada 
    res  : {
        bytes: 0,         // Quantidade de bytes da resposta
        headers: { ... }, // Os headers da resposta
        status: 200       // O código HTTP da resposta 

There is also header HTTP called Content-Length , however, some clients may not send this header or send it with a value not true.

If you want to use it, you can get the value of it by the property headers by searching for the key content-length .

var tamanho = req.headers['content-length'];
10.03.2017 / 13:46