Mult Mapping Dapper [duplicate]


I'm having problems with dapper's Mult Mapping, when I try to execute the following query it is not mapping the ids of the objects, the select is this:

var sql = @" SELECT 
                    p.data_atuacao_oficina ,
                    v.tipo ,
                    pecas.oficinas ofi
                    INNER JOIN pecas.pedidos p
                        ON p.cod_oficina = ofi.id_oficina
                    INNER JOIN pecas.sinistros s
                        ON s.id_sinistro = p.cod_sinistro
                    INNER JOIN pecas.veiculos v
                        ON v.id_veiculo = p.cod_veiculo
                    INNER JOIN pecas.marcas m
                        ON m.id_marca = v.cod_marca
                    INNER JOIN pecas.clientes c
                        ON c.id_cliente = s.cod_cliente
                    INNER JOIN pecas.itenspedido ip
                        ON ip.cod_pedido = p.id_pedido
                        AND ip.autorizacao_cod_itempedido_fornecedor IS NOT NULL
                    INNER JOIN pecas.itenspedido_fornecedores ipf
                        ON ipf.id_itempedido_fornecedor = ip.autorizacao_cod_itempedido_fornecedor
                        AND ipf.devol_data_autorizacao IS NULL
                        AND ipf.data_prazo_entrega IS NOT NULL
                    INNER JOIN pecas.pedidos_fornecedores pf 
                        ON pf.cod_pedido = p.id_pedido
                        AND pf.data_autorizacao IS NOT NULL
                    LEFT JOIN conciliacao.conciliacoes conc 
                        ON conc.id_conciliacao = pf.cod_conciliacao
                    (p.logistica_data_encerramento IS NULL OR p.logistica_data_encerramento >= current_date-60)
                    AND s.cod_cliente = @idCliente
                    AND p.cancelado IS NOT TRUE
                    AND IS NOT NULL
                    AND (v.placa ILIKE @placa OR s.codigo ILIKE @sinistro)";

            var pedidos = Conn.Query<Oficina, Pedido, Sinistro, Veiculo, Marca, Pedido>
            (sql, (oficina, pedido, sin, veiculo, marca) =>
                    pedido.Sinistro = sin;
                    veiculo.Marca = marca;
                    pedido.Veiculo = veiculo;
                    pedido.Oficina = oficina;

                    return pedido;
                idCliente = codCliente,
                placa = string.IsNullOrEmpty(placa) ? "" : placa,
                sinistro = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sinistro) ? "" : sinistro
            }, splitOn: "id_pedido,id_sinistro,id_veiculo,id_marca")

I have tried to do this by selecting all fields ofi.*,p.*,s.*,v.*,m.* and with the fields that I will need (I prefer to do the select only with the fields that I will use)

Obviously I need the Ids to know who is who, when I select the object by ID it maps correctly (not the automapper)

EDIT: My question was marked as duplicate, but I do not have any error popping, the query returns me results but the results are not filled in the list of objects.

Follow 2 error prints

asked by anonymous 27.01.2017 / 13:10

1 answer


The problem is that the name of the field in the database (your select) is different from the name of your Entity.

Just change to be the same that everything will be resolved. A simple option is to use Alias in your query, for example:

       ofi.id_oficina as IdOficina,

Another option would be to manually map the dynamic query object to specific data, such as:

var sql = @"select top 1 person_id, first_name, last_name from Person";
using (var conn = ConnectionFactory.GetConnection())
    var person = conn.Query<Person>(sql)
                     .Select(item => new Person()
                       PersonId = item.person_id,
                       FirstName = item.first_name,
                       LastName = item.last_name

    return person;

Note that I am speaking explicitly that PersonId = item.person_id .

Some other details, including how to use ColumnAttribute , you can check on the answers to this question .

30.01.2017 / 12:57