In addition to the risk already mentioned above, there are countless others.
When you use $this
within a view blade
, you have access to the Illuminate\View\View
Without countering other methods he could play around with his system.
Just to reinforce the above answer, look at another "crap" that could happen:
You could also change some configuration file, such as mail.php
and make a clutter on your system:
file_put_contents(app_path('config/mail.php'), var_export($configuracoes_malicosas, true));
Perhaps the solution in your case is to pre-process a possible template sent by a user. Or, have a lock, for someone to analyze the content of that view and only then to publish effectively.
I do not know if this is the idea, but it seems like you want to do something similar to Wordpress.
Laravel already has a CMS, I do not know if it resolves, but I'll leave the link so that you can analyze and see if it meets your need.