How to get total sales per month with mysql


I have a sales chart that records the date and time of the sale.

The output format is this: "2018-09-02 15:00:08"

I wanted to get total sales per month but I'm having a hard time putting the query together. How can I filter only the month from a more complex data such as what I have?

The result should look something like this : January sales - 10 sales February - 5 sales

Table structure:

id | data_hora | total_pagamento
asked by anonymous 06.11.2018 / 19:32

1 answer


Just group by year and month:

SELECT CONCAT(LPAD(MONTH(data_hora), 2, '0'), '/', YEAR(data_hora)) mes, COUNT(id) qtde
FROM nome_da_sua_tabela
GROUP BY YEAR(data_hora), MONTH(data_hora)


  • YEAR() - Returns the year of a date .
  • MONTH() - Returns the month of a date .
  • CONCAT() - Concatenates past values separated by , .
  • LPAD() - Complete a string until it gets a number of characters.
  • COUNT() - Count the rows returned.


You are responsible for grouping the query, in this case the year and the month. See more about it here .

06.11.2018 / 19:45