Find an ancestor with a given class from any descendant element with pure JavaScript


With jQuery it is quite simple to find an ancestral element that has a given class, id, attribute, and so on. using the .closest() method. For example, in the code below I can select div#principal by clicking on any of your descendants:

$("#principal *").on("click", function(evt){

   var elemento_clicado = $([0];
   var ancestral = $("#principal")[0];
   console.log(elemento_clicado, ancestral);

<script src=""></script><divid="principal">
        <li>Lista 1</li>

No matter the level within the% w / w of the element, #principal will fetch the element entered in the selector (in this case the .closest(seletor) ).

I do not know a JavaScript method that does this function. I thought about using div#principal but since the nested elements inside the main div can have 1, 2, 3 or multiple levels in the tree, I would not know how many .parentNode to use when clicking on an element in level 1 or level 5, for example.

I came to this code that returns the clicked element to me:

var itens = document.querySelectorAll("#principal .item");
for(var x=0; x < itens.length; x++){
   itens[x].onclick = function(evt){
   background: orange;
   margin-bottom: 1px;

.item *{
   background: red;
<div id="principal">
   <div class="item">
         <strong>Texto 1</strong>
   <div class="item">
         <strong>Texto 2</strong>
   <div class="item">
         <strong>Texto 3</strong>
      <div class="item2">
               Texto 4 <strong>mais...</strong>

In the above hypothetical example, how would I go about getting to the div with the .parentNode class when clicking on any of its descendants, just like jQuery .item ?

asked by anonymous 29.11.2018 / 23:58

1 answer


At this point pure JS also has a closest equal to that of JQuery. This also gets a selector and is a Element method, which in this case will be an element that you have obtained from the DOM. See the documentation .

In your code, then:".item")


var itens = document.querySelectorAll("#principal .item");
for(var x=0; x < itens.length; x++){
   itens[x].onclick = function(evt){
      var elemento_clicado =;
      var ancestral =".item");
      console.log(elemento_clicado, ancestral);
   background: orange;
   margin-bottom: 1px;

.item *{
   background: red;
<div id="principal">
   <div class="item">
         <strong>Texto 1</strong>
   <div class="item">
         <strong>Texto 2</strong>
   <div class="item">
         <strong>Texto 3</strong>
      <div class="item2">
               Texto 4 <strong>mais...</strong>

As you might expect, there is no support for the mythical IE, however, there is a polyfill on the documentation page itself if you need it.

30.11.2018 / 02:07