Multiple applications consuming the same database


Today I have an application that uses a database (MongoDB), but I have few users yet and as we know it is very difficult to have an application that will succeed and accumulate many users.

Thinking about this I am planning to create a second application that will use this same database, sharing the data, since the two use practically the same, but with different purposes.

In a simplified way, a user who created an account in my A application would be able to use application B without making a new registration and would even use their already registered data.

I may be wrong, but if both applications are small to medium, I do not think I'll have any problems, but what if I have the 'fate' of these apps getting popular, what kinds of problems could I have? Can this architecture result in serious side effects? Would this be a 'nut' economy?

asked by anonymous 04.12.2018 / 00:19

1 answer


Everything can if you make the application the right way by giving this functionality.

If you do not have a good reason to keep this together do not keep it. It has no economy at all. You're saying it's another application, so why should I use the same database? Probably does not even have the same needs. If you have a reason why you should be well justified, you should be able to demonstrate a gain. If you can not do it, do not.

After seeing all sorts of abuse in programming languages I am now seeing database abuses. I've answered a few times here on the site even about the need for NoSQL adoption in most scenarios. People adopt because it seems easier and more flexible. And the person does not even imagine the lot of problem and difficulty that will have in certain scenarios. The abuse I'm seeing is that people "punch" all kinds of data in the bank like Joana's mother just because the database leaves. That's a pig thing. Most of the NoSQL adoption I see around here is too lazy to do it right. I can not tell if it's your case, only you know (I hope).

If you are "lucky" and achieve explosive use the least of your problems will be this is the fact that you do not understand what you need to do to scale the application, and this only a specialized person who knows your scenario can help. When you have a very large use you can rethink what you are doing.

04.12.2018 / 00:47