Help with understanding cellular automaton code


I would like you to help me understand a code for calculating and presenting cellular automata that I found on the internet. The code in question is as follows:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void PrintfVetor(char vetor[], char tamanho);
void CopiaVetor(char vetor_in[], char vetor_out[], int tamanho);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    char *L_ant, *L_atu;
    int n, k, bit;
    int N, linhas, regra;
/* Obtem dados de entrada */
    printf("Digite o comprimento da linha: ");
    scanf("%d", &N);
    printf("Digite o numero de linhas: ");
    scanf("%d", &linhas);
    printf("Digite a regra a ser utilizada (0 a 255): ");
    scanf("%d", &regra);
/* Aloca espaco para o vetor atual e o anterior */     
    L_ant = (char*) malloc(N*sizeof(char));
    L_atu = (char*) malloc(N*sizeof(char));
/* Criacao da linha inicial */
/* Preenche a linha inicial com zeros */
    for(n=0; n<N; n++)
            L_ant[n] = 0;
/* Insere o valor 1 na posicao do meio da linha inicial */
    L_ant[N/2] = 1;
/* Define que na linha atual, a primeira posicao e a ultima serao sempre 
iguais a 0 */
    L_atu[0] = L_atu[N-1] = 0;
/* Escreve a linha inicial na tela */
    PrintfVetor(L_ant, N);
/* Percorre as próximas linhas */
    for(k=2; k<=linhas; k++)
/* Percorre cada posicao da linha atual, exceto a primeira e a ultima 
posicoes */
            for(n=1; n<N-1; n++)
                    /* Obtem a regra para a posicao atual, e atualiza essa 
posicao na linha atual */
                    bit = L_ant[n-1]*4+L_ant[n]*2+L_ant[n+1];
                    L_atu[n] = (regra&(1<<bit))!=0;
/* Escreve a linha atual na tela */
            PrintfVetor(L_ant, N);
/* Atualiza a linha anterior */
            CopiaVetor(L_atu, L_ant, N);
/* Libera a memoria dinamica das linhas */
    return 0;

void PrintfVetor(char vetor[], char tamanho)
    int n;
    for(n=0; n<tamanho; n++)
            printf("%d ", vetor[n]);

void CopiaVetor(char vetor_in[], char vetor_out[], int tamanho)
    int n;
    for(n=0; n<tamanho; n++)
            vetor_out[n] = vetor_in[n];

The program itself I understood, but I can not understand the calculation that is done in this part here:

bit = L_ant[n-1]*4+L_ant[n]*2+L_ant[n+1];
L_atu[n] = (regra&(1<<bit))!=0;

If you can explain, I'll be very grateful.

code removed from the blog: link

asked by anonymous 19.07.2018 / 07:06

1 answer


He coded bit by bit the "neighbors."

In bit 2 (value 4), put the neighbor on the left:


In bit 1 (value 2), put the current value:


In bit 0 (value 1), put the neighbor on the right:


Thus, if we get 6 = 110 , we know that the living neighbors are the current position and the right one.

I, particularly, since it is only doing bit operations, I would stay in them:

 bit = L_ant[n-1]<<2 | L_ant[n]<<1 | L_ant[n+1]

After getting this number, it does 2^bit through bit offset: 1<<bit . Therefore, the previous number 6 would be transformed to 64 after this operation.

Make regra & (1<<bit) is to ask if, within the information read in regra , one of them coincides with the neighborhood layout. For example, if I provide regra == 192 , there would be match for my 64. But this is no longer true with regra == 180 , since it does not even contain 64.

The assignment in L_atu[n] indicates that this regra check works to see if the n index element will stay alive in the next round.

It does the assignment as follows to ensure that the value in L_atu[n] is always 1 or 0:

L_atu[n] = (regra & (1<<bit)) != 0

If you do not have this != 0 , the L_atu[n] value will be stored in 1<<bit , as long as this value is within regra .

19.07.2018 / 08:07