Maybe it's not the perfect answer, but I'll give you some tips that can help.
First, stay tuned for the Microsoft EdgeHTML version, not the version of the application itself. Press F12
on the Edge that you can access the option to render your page including in versions of IE within the Edge itself. And in the top menu ...
goes into settings to see the HTML version of your EDGE
VersionnumberusedforEdgeisbasedonthenumberofEdgeHTMLrather thanEdgeitself.ThisisbecauseEdgeHTMListheengineforEdgethat isrelatedtofeaturesupportchange.
Source: link
Even in this site you can make several tag and class validations that EDGE accepts and in which versions it will work.
knowingeverythingthatitSupports,thingsDeprecated,Development link
Tip:EDITprojectinGitHub,yesitisinGitHub:D link