How do I update the app version in the Google PlayStore?


After publishing version 1.0 of my application, and I with a new version of the same project (2.0) and want to upgrade. How do I submit? Do I need the keystore only? Does the new apk have to be next to the previous key when selecting?

asked by anonymous 01.08.2014 / 07:10

2 answers


Just change the manifest.xml in the tags


This link explains the difference in tags link

In general, it takes two hours for the update to be available

01.08.2014 / 16:50

You change in manifestations and places


and then generate the apk with the keystore you used the first time. the versionCode in manifestations must always be an integer greater than what you used in the previous version so I put n + 1 where n would be its previous version. Only then would the playstore recognize as an update to your app. The versionName is the number that you want to appear for the user can be any number.

02.08.2014 / 07:19