Function similar to matlabfunction () of MATLAB in R


Is there a function similar to matlabFunction() of MATLAB? Or how to do this in R ?

The function in MATLAB.

syms x
dados = inputdlg({'P(x): ', 'Q(x): ', 'R(x): ', 'N: '},'Dados');
P = matlabFunction(sym(dados{1}),'vars',x,'file','px');

In R I'm trying to do it like this:

P <- function(x){
   expr = dados[1]
   y <- eval(parse(text= expr), list(x))
   return (y)

But I still have to change the expression inside the function or pass it by parameter.

asked by anonymous 29.10.2014 / 02:44

2 answers


In Matlab the inline function is equivalent to the matlabFunction() function and in R the function command can be used to create the same functions.

Using both functions in Matlab to prove similarity:

f1 = inline('sin(x/3) - cos(x/5)')

f1 =

     Inline function:
     f1(x) = sin(x/3) - cos(x/5)
f2 = matlabFunction(sin(x/3) - cos(x/5))

f2 = 


Calling f1 and f2 to compute and prove that sine (2/3) - cosine (2/5) equals -0,3027 in any of the functions:


ans =



ans =


Now the same function created similarly in R :

f <- function(x) sin(x/3) - cos(x/5)
29.10.2014 / 16:29

I solved the problem as follows:

make.Rfunction <- function(expressao) {
    fn <- function(x) {
        return(eval(parse(text= expressao), list(x)))

dados <- c("x+2")
P <- make.Rfunction(dados[1])
P(2) # resposta : [1] 4
P(3) # resposta : [1] 5
31.10.2014 / 14:01