Displaying Results other than one column [closed]


I have a CAIXA table, where TIPO can have two results, 00 and 99 , where 00 is the opening of the terminal and 99 the closing. >

I'm trying to create a query where the result is to show me only the branches ( COD_FILIAL ) where they did not close the box.

It would look something like this:

WHERE TIPO = 99 < TIPO = 00 and DATA between '20160101' and '20160101'

But I can not pass on this thinking to SQL.

asked by anonymous 27.08.2016 / 15:58

1 answer


So I understand you would have a table box that looks like this:

| 1          | 00   | 20160101 |
| 1          | 99   | 20160101 |
| 2          | 00   | 20160101 |
| 2          | 99   | 20160101 |
| 3          | 00   | 20160101 |
| 1          | 00   | 20160102 |
| 1          | 99   | 20160102 |
| 2          | 00   | 20160102 |
| 1          | 00   | 20160103 |

And you expect the following results (the threads where there was a cash opening on a particular day but no closing):

| 3          | 00   | 20160101 |
| 2          | 00   | 20160102 |
| 1          | 00   | 20160103 |

Considering that there must always be a box opening to have a closure, think that boxes without closure are the difference of the subset of closed boxes (the gray part):



Seethequeryrunningon SQL Fiddle .

To do this query I used the concepts of subquery and joins. This query can be done in different ways by using a SQL Server CVE.

Here are some links that can help you better understand these concepts.

27.08.2016 / 17:00