Connect MySQL Workbench to Hostinger Server


Several times I tried to connect the MySQL Workbench to the database of my hosted site > but it always gives error.

As I understand the access data I am passing are valid, why are the same used to connect the application I am developing in PHP to the database and it works.

But when I try to connect to the Database through the Workbench it gives an error. I need this to be able to model the database through Worckbench when it is needed and just give a Synchronize Model to update the tables and not be exporting and exporting .SQL files.

asked by anonymous 15.06.2015 / 13:10

1 answer


If you're using the free version, check out this knowledge base issue .


How to access MySQL remotely:


Unfortunately, we do not support external MySQL connections in plan   free, for security and performance.

15.06.2015 / 13:17