My site gets messed up on Microsoft Edge, Firefox and Safari. How to solve this problem? [closed]


My site catches on Chrome and Opera, but when testo in those other browsers gets messy, more, on Edge.

Edge -




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asked by anonymous 19.12.2015 / 01:20

1 answer


From the experience I have, a GOOD WRITING CODE has the same effect on any browser, and may only have some slight variation in font rendering or other details but does not change the layout you want.

Looking at your code, it seemed very heavy and polluted, not respecting the possible variations of CSS interpretation and tags that may occur between one browser and another.

I suggest that you rephrase the whole code, in a concise and clean way, building one area after another (top, body, side column, footer ...) and testing browsers one by one and if there is any difference, find out what is wrong until it stays the same at all, and then move on to the next area and so on.

I have been working with the front end for over 10 years and rarely test my code in other browsers (I use Chrome) because I already know what one supports and the other does not, so I can make a concise code where the layout stays EXACTLY the same in all.

I'm not judging your level of knowledge if you're an area professional or just venturing out, but from what I'm seeing, you need to sharpen yourself a lot more. Good luck!

31.12.2015 / 01:26