Error sending PhoneGap pro GooglePlay


When you send the PhoneGap APK to GooglePlay, you have the following error:




Upload failed You uploaded a debugging APK. For reasons of   debug before you publish it on Google Play.   Learn more about debuggable APKs .. You have sent a signed APK in mode   of debugging. Sign your APK in launch mode. know more about   how to sign. Use a different package name.   "io.cordova.hellocordova" already exists on Google Play.

How to solve this?

asked by anonymous 29.01.2016 / 02:01

1 answer



You should send a digitally signed APK with a binary named "Keystore" . As a way to better understand, it's as if you're trying to send a version of DEBUG instead of a RELEASE.

To solve the problem in Eclipse, just do the following:

  • 1 - Right-click the project icon;
  • 2 - Select the option: Android Tools > Export Signed Application Package ...
  • 3 - The following screen will appear:

  • 4 - Select the Create keystore option. Name and assign a password to the your file;
  • 5 - Ready! Now whenever you need to create a signed package, use the same file you just created.

Hope it helps. :)

20.02.2016 / 17:01