According to documentation this is because:
(In free translation)
There is a subtlety when the sequence is being modified by the loop
(this can only occur through mutable sequences, ie lists ). a
internal counter is used to keep track of which item is used
and it is incremented at each iteration. When this counter
has reached the length of the sequence the loop ends.
This means that if the set excludes the current item (or a previous one)
of the sequence, the next item is ignored (once you get the
index of the current item that has already been treated ).
Similarly, if the set inserts an item in the sequence before the item
current item, the current item will be dealt with again next time through the
loop . This can lead to bugs that can be avoided by making a copy
temporary using a slice of the entire sequence, [...]
One way for you to do this is to scroll through the entire list and check if the current item is an existing directory, if it is, you enter it into a new list, at the end of the iteration you return that list, see an example :
def checkDirExist(lista):
# Variável que vai armazenar os diretórios existentes
resultado = []
# Percorre cada uma das listas
for diretorios in lista:
# Percorre os itens das listas
for diretorio in diretorios:
# Verifica se o item atual é um diretório existente
if os.path.exists(diretorio):
# Se for, armazena o item na nova lista
# Caso não exista o diretório
# print("O diretório {0} não existe!".format(diretorio))
return resultado
# Lista de listas
diretorios = [
['a:/', 'b:/', 'w:/', 'g:/', 'f:/',
'd:/Downloads/Torrent/End', 'x:/files.2t', 'y:/files.1t'],
['d:/Dropbox/project/rato_bat', 'x:/bb'],
diretoriosExistentes = checkDirExist(diretorios)
# ... continuação do teu código ...
Another way is to use List Comprehensions , which consists of creating a new list with the items you want:
diretorios[:] = [listas for listas in diretorios for dir in listas if os.path.exists(dir)]
print (diretorios)