Are there static methods in Python?


Are there static methods in Python? If they exist how do I make a static method?

asked by anonymous 20.10.2017 / 21:01

2 answers


Use the decorator @staticmethod :

class Classe(object):
    def funcao(arg1, arg2):

This code produces:

class Classe():
    def funcao(arg1, arg2):

funcao = staticmethod(funcao)

You can call your method like this:

Classe.funcao(arg1, arg2)

See more about the built-in staticmethod(function) function in documentation . And the source code - in C.

If you do not want to use the decorator, another way to accomplish this is declaring the function outside the class. Assuming you have :

class Cachorro(object):
    def __init__(self, nome):
        self.nome = nome

    def latir(self):
        if nome = "Ted":
            return som_de_latido()
            return "woof woof!"

def som_de_latido():
    return "au au!"

In the code above the function som_de_latido() plays the role of a static function . You can call it as cachorro.som_de_latido() . It is different from the decorator because there you call as arquivo.Classe.funcao() and here it is arquivo.funcao() .

By choosing to do outside the class you are not creating a true static method, only achieving a similar implementation. I quoted just because it's possible.

20.10.2017 / 21:15

Using @staticmethod :

class Exemplo(object):
    def soma(x,y):
        return x+y
    def subtrai(x,y):
        return x-y

20.10.2017 / 21:13