How to create project installation done in the android studio


I created a project in Andoid Studio, run it on the virtual machine right now, I would now like to "compile" it to install on a real mobile.

How do I do this? I create a file and step to the mobile? Do I have to put it on Google Play?

asked by anonymous 13.10.2015 / 01:02

2 answers


You're probably using a build tool to take care of your project. Because you're using AST, I assume you're using gradle as your build tool.

So let's go through parts to understand a little more.

Build tool overview

The Android build system is the toolkit you use to build, test, run, and package your apps. The build system can be run as a built-in tool in the Android Studio menu and regardless of the command line. You can use the features of the build system to:

  • Customize, configure, and extend the build process.
  • Create multiple APKs for your application with different characteristics, using the same project and modules.
  • The reuse of code and resources between source sets.

A closer look at how the build works

The build process involves many processes that generate intermediate files on the path to the production of an .apk. If you're developing in Android Studio, the complete build process is done every time you run the gradle build task for your project or modules. The build process is very flexible, so it is useful, however, to understand it is necessary to know what is going on under the whole build process, and see how configurable and extensible it is. The following diagram describes the different tools and processes that are involved in a build:

The build tool merges all configured features, build types, and dependencies.

Build Output

The build generates an APK for each build variant in the app/build folder: the app/build/outputs/apk/ directory contains packages called app--.apk ; for example, app-full-release.apk and app-demo-debug.apk.

This is your .apk to run on a device and test.

13.10.2015 / 02:22

No, you do not need to put it in the Play Store. Just do the following:

Take the phone you would like to install and activate the USB debug option that you usually find under Settings > Developer options. Once you have activated this option on your phone, connect your phone using a USB cable and then in Android Studio, when you click Run, your phone will appear in the list, then just select it and wait for the end of the process! p>

I hope I have helped!

05.12.2016 / 21:06