Shortcut key for "surround with" in Notepad ++


The PhpStorm editor has a shortcut key for the "surround with" command, does anyone know if Notepad ++ has this feature and which shortcut key?

asked by anonymous 29.03.2018 / 03:05

1 answer


Notepad ++ does not have this capability natively. You have two options for adding quotes, brackets etc. around a selection.

  • Write macros - > there are several places on the internet that teach you how to do this. Some suggest gambiarras that will mess up the clipboard, so beware. In the end, it is up to you to create a macro that is efficient and accurate.

  • Use plugins, such as SurroundSelection . If anyone knows more plugins, feel free to edit the answer.

29.03.2018 / 15:41