Error returns when trying to start some threads in a list


I need to create a function for my program, that when the user is pressing NUMPAD_8 , it turns off all thread , and if he presses again, it turns them back on.

As I'm creating the thread list:

public static List<Thread> threads = new List<Thread>();

public static void addThreads()
    threads.Add(new Thread());
    threads.Add(new Thread());
    threads.Add(new Thread());
    threads.Add(new Thread());
    threads.Add(new Thread());
    threads.Add(new Thread());
    threads.Add(new Thread());
    //Só deixei em branco o Thread() para ilustrar melhor o problema,
    //em meu programa eles estão preenchidos todos corretamente.

How I'm starting threads:

foreach (Thread t in Vars.threads)

How I tried:

if (Gambiarras.ChecarPressionando(0x68))
    foreach (Thread t in Vars.threads)
        if (t.ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.Running)

The .Abort() works fine, but the .Start() returns the following error:


System.Threading.ThreadStateException: 'The thread is either running or has been shut down. It can not be restarted. '

asked by anonymous 04.08.2017 / 15:34

1 answer


The error happens because a Thread can not be restarted.

You must call the addThreads() method again to recreate them.

Add to method


to make the list clean.

You will have to change the logic within if because this can not be done in else .

Please note:

04.08.2017 / 15:45