Table query with CONCAT and JOIN?


I need to get a collection as a result of querying in 3 tables using concat and join , the image below shows the relationship between them:



$teste=DB::table('clientesasc')->leftjoin('reservasasr','r.codReserva','=','b.ce_denunciacrime')->leftjoin('produtosasp','p.codProduto','=','r.codReserva')->select('p.codProduto','r.codReserva',DB::raw("CONCAT(c.codCliente,', ') as codCliente"))


% w / o result should be something like this:

#items: array:1[
0 => {#498 
  +"codProduto": 1
  +"codReserva": 2
  +"codCliente": 20,30,40

Imagine this table below, the result would be the first two columns plus the concatenation of the third values, resulting in array shown above.

<table border=1>
asked by anonymous 10.07.2018 / 13:49

1 answer


I was able to resolve using 'GROUP_CONCAT' as in the query below:

$teste = DB::table('clientes as c')
    ->leftjoin('reservas as r', 'r.codReserva', '=', 'b.ce_denunciacrime')
    ->leftjoin('produtos as p', 'p.codProduto', '=', 'r.codReserva')
              DB::raw("GROUP_CONCAT(c.codCliente,'') as codCliente"))

10.07.2018 / 14:44