I have a table where I make the exchange data of some traders, For example, prof A has in common the exchange with prof F, so F has with A as well. But in the barter report I would not want you to show F with A, only A with F, because the information itself is the same thing in practice, although in the bank they are different records.
How do I make a SQL that meets this condition?
Example, Fábio works at UBS Centro and wants to move to UBS Anchieta, Anderson works at UBS Anchieta and wants to move to UBS Centro. The two are registered in the Swap System, in the bank there are the two records recorded, name / source / option Fábio UBS Center UBS Anchieta Anderson UBS Anchieta UBS Centro
The report displays: Fábio wants to barter with Anderson Anderson wants to exchange with Fabio
This duplicity in the report is not required.