Cell with dynamic height in FPDF


I want to create a report with fpdf, but every time I create a cell with some large text, it is over the cell below. Is there a way to create a cell that automatically resizes >

asked by anonymous 05.11.2014 / 18:39

2 answers


In fPDF has MultiCell

After a long time using fPDF I migrated to mPDF which is based on fPDF , but better. It allows the use of HTML tags for creation (it makes it much easier to set up, especially tables, merge contents, images, positioning, etc), allows styling with CSS, among other resources.

See the official website:

05.11.2014 / 19:15

When I needed something similar, I used the MultiCell method of FPDF.

See the documentation here: link

Edit: I found this tutorial that can help link

05.11.2014 / 18:52