Make a new framework based on another open source with GPL license


I want to use parts of an open source framework available on Github on a GPL license. I will upload my code in Github and also on the GPL license. When I finish my framework , I want to make templates to be used next to it, but with separate distributions in> will be sold or exchanged for points.

  • If I do this in this way am I doing something about the GPL license?
  • Do I have to say that I have used parts of another framework ?
  • Now what I already do are comments on the headers of classes or methods that were copied or inspired by the third-party framework.

    asked by anonymous 24.09.2015 / 21:16

    2 answers


    If there is a total separation, if the code of what you are going to "market" (even if it is not even money) does not contain anything that is in GPL, nothing at all, then no problem. Can you guarantee that?

    A software depends on another GPL is not a problem, but this other dependent can not be distributed together with the GPL part, in any case.

    And the GPL code you manipulated can not depend on the non-GPL part.

    Anyway, the best I can do is say to consult a specialized lawyer if you really do not want to get into trouble. Do not rely on random people on the internet giving you legal advice.

    24.09.2015 / 21:56

    Following what is described here :


    In general terms, the GPL is based on 4 freedoms:


    The freedom to run the program, for any purpose (freedom   nº 0)
    The freedom to study how the program works and adapt it to   their needs (freedom no. 1). Access to the source code is a   prerequisite for this freedom.
    The freedom to redistribute copies   so that you can help your neighbor (freedom # 2).   freedom to perfect the program, and to release its   so that the whole community benefits from them.   (freedom no. 3). Access to the source code is a prerequisite for   this freedom.

    Whatever is generated from free software, should also be free. Home Complementing the answer with another quote from the link where it says:


    The license does not allow, for example, that the code be seized by   other person, or that restrictions are imposed on him or her that prevent   that is distributed the same way it was purchased.

    24.09.2015 / 21:30