Generate these results in PHP MySQL


I would like to know how this type of result is generated ... How it is formatted this way.

Mes/Ano | Vencidos | A Vencer | Vencendo
01/2015 |    5     |    0     |     0
02/2015 |    1     |    0     |     0
04/2015 |    15    |    0     |     0
06/2015 |    7     |    0     |     0
07/2015 |    1     |   200    |     3
09/2015 |    0     |   578    |     0
12/2015 |    0     |   231    |     0

Is there any specific program that does this?

asked by anonymous 22.07.2015 / 22:33

1 answer


/ p>

C:\>cd xampp/

C:\xampp>cd mysql

C:\xampp\mysql>cd bin

C:\xampp\mysql\bin>mysql -u root -p

The command -u root indicates the user -p indicates that it will request password

Then right click, select all, Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V here on the site:

    mysql> select usu_id, usu_nome, cancelado from tab_usuario limit 10;
| usu_id | usu_nome | cancelado |
|      1 | maison   | NULL      |
|      2 | marcio   | NULL      |
|      3 | marcos   | NULL      |
|      5 | celso    | NULL      |
|      6 | denise   | NULL      |
|      7 | camila   | NULL      |
|      8 | kelen    | NULL      |
|      9 | ingrid   | NULL      |
|     10 | eliziane | NULL      |
|     11 | felippe  | 1         |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Obs: In the case of EasyPHP that was the case of the question author then the path to get to the folder where mysql is installed would be: C: \ Program Files \ x86 \ EasyPHP-DevServer-14.1VC11 \ binaries \ mysql \ bin

22.07.2015 / 22:50