I started a modeling for Products thinking of the same as:
- Purchased to Resell
- Produced for Sale
- Perishable or not
So far so good, but when I started thinking about stock control based on that model my head knotted, because of the Lots of Manufacturing control and because it was perishable.
Below the first version of my Product entity.
A brief explanation of relationships:
Supplier refers to products purchased for resale
Company for products produced by my company
MeasureProduct a table that stores whether the product is measured in KG, L or P, PP, M etc.
public class Produto implements Serializable {
private int ativo;
private String caminhoImagem;
private double largura;
private double peso;
private String cor;
private String valorCompra;
private String nome;
private double profundidade;
private String descricao;
@OneToOne(targetEntity = TipoProdutoEnum.class)
private TipoProdutoEnum tipoProdutoEnum1;
private Date dataAtualizacao;
private double altura;
private String valorVenda;
@OneToOne(targetEntity = MedidaProduto.class)
private MedidaProduto medidaProduto;
private double quantidadeMaxima;
private double quantidadeMinima;
private Date dataDesativacao;
private Long id;
private double quantidadeAtual;
@OneToOne(targetEntity = Fornecedor.class)
private Fornecedor fornecedor;
@OneToOne(targetEntity = Empresa.class)
private Empresa empresa;
private Date dataCadastro;
When I started thinking about stock control I saw that I mixed up the concepts a little bit and in the matter of production control I'm completely lost.