I have a EditorTamplate
and I need to put a EditorFor
, using this EditorTemplate
, as a column inside Webgrid
How could I do this?
I tested the form below and gave the error shown in the image.
I have a table with columns that change the type of component (text, button, link) according to the logged-in user. So I decided to use Editortemplate. After many attempts, I gave up editorFor
and am using Editor
. Now it worked fine the way I put it down.
var columns = new WebGridColumn[] {
grid.Column("CodigoDesenho", ODMResources.PartNumber, style: "center"), //1
grid.Column("Descricao", ODMResources.APNPartDescription, style: "center"), //2
grid.Column( //3
(item) => @Html.Editor("ModoFornecimento", "ModoFornecimento", new { ModoFornecimentoCod = item.ModoFornecimento, Codigo = Options.COD_OPCAO_VALOR_TIPO_FORNECIMENTO, idOdm = item.IdODM, codigoDesenho = item.CodigoDesenho, disabled = !item.GestorCodep.Equals(this.User.Identity.Name) }) ,
grid.Column("VariacaoIntroduzida", ODMResources.APNVariacaoIntroduzida, style: "center"), //4
grid.Column( //5
(item) => @Html.Editor("Codesign", "Codesign", new { Codesign = item.Codesign, isUsuarioLider = @isLider, idOdm = item.IdODM, codigoDesenho = item.CodigoDesenho }) ,
Yes you can, you can try:
grid.Column("Text", "Text", canSort: true, format: @<text>@Html.EditorFor(item => item.Propriedade)</text>)