Copy (cp) to the current folder in LINUX [closed]


Is it possible to exempt target path by giving a command to copy (cp) in the linux console to the current / current folder?


cp ~/Origem ~/Destino

What I want is some shortcut in bash equivalent to the target.


cp ~/Origem <atalho equivalente à ~/Destino (diretório atual/corrente) >
asked by anonymous 13.09.2015 / 05:43

2 answers


You can exempt a destination path by giving a command to copy   (cp) in linux console for current / current folder?

Yes, it is possible and quite simple.

The current directory can be represented by .

Knowing this, the command

cp ~/Origem .

will copy to the current directory ( echo $PWD ) the Origem file that is in your personal directory.

Similarly, you can use .. to, for example, copy a file to the directory that is at the next level higher than the current directory.

For example, imagine that you are in the ~/nivel1/nivel2 directory by running the

cp ~/Origem ../

You will copy the file Origem to the directory ~/nivel1

13.09.2015 / 12:35

Oops. I believe you are wanting to create symbolic links.


In the symbolic link, the link is a special disk file of type link, which has as its content the path to reach the target file.

Features: You can make symbolic links in files and directories; The symbolic link and target file do not need to be on the same disk partition; If the symbolic link is deleted / moved. Only the link will be deleted / moved; Any user can create / undo a symbolic link (respecting the permissions).


In the hardlink link, the link is pointed to the same inode as the target file, so the two files will be the same.

Features: It is not possible to make a hardlink to a directory; You can only hardlink files that are on the same disk partition; If the hardlink is erased / moved, you are deleting / moving the target file; Only the root user can create / undo hardlinks.


The ln command is used to create links between two files or to a directory.


ln [OPÇÕES]... [-T] ALVO NOME_LINK   (1a forma)
ln [OPÇÕES]... ALVO                  (2a forma)
ln [OPÇÕES]... ALVO... DIRETÓRIO     (3a forma)
ln [OPÇÕES]... -t DIRETÓRIO ALVO...  (4a forma)


TARGET: Directory or file where the link will be made; NAME_LINK: Name of the link to be created; OPTIONS:

-s     Creates a symbolic link. -v     Verbose mode.


1 - Creating a symbolic link called "emulator" to the directory / home / roberto / download / emulador_n64 /:

$ ln -s /home/roberto/download/emulador_n64/ emulador

Note that the symbolic link is identified with the "l" at the beginning.

$ ls -lah | grep emulador lrwxrwx--x 1 roberto roberto 36 2006-10-12 22:42 emulador -> /home/roberto/download/emulador_n64/

2 - Creating a hardlink named "text.txt" pointing to the file "target_hardlink.txt":

$ ln alvo_hardlink.txt texto.txt

Note that the file "target_hardlink.txt" and the text.txt file have the same Inode and the same Device.

$ stat alvo_hardlink.txt | grep Inode Device: 304h/772d Inode: 3057948 Links: 2

$ stat texto.txt | grep Inode Device: 304h/772d Inode: 3057948 Links: 2

Source: link

13.09.2015 / 06:19