I know that something like this has already been asked, but in the answers I found, I wanted to map the view to put the DataAnnotation [Table ("view name"]) or configure it in the Fluent API
I created a view in the database called "Users". So I created a class called UserView
public class UserView
public string EmailAddress { get; set;}
Then in my DbContext I created DbSet
public DbSet<UserView> Users { get; set; }
When I rounded the application I had an error of type "The model backing the context has changed since the database was created."
Then in the Nuget Package Console I joined
Update-Database -force-verbose
Then I had an error that already exists an object called "Users" . There on the console even showed a "CREATE TABLE USERS ...." ie it tried to create the table.
I'm using Automatic Migrations. How could I map this existing view and / or create it if it does not exist?