What does it mean to increase?


I would like to know what the term increment means, and in what situation I should use it. I'm learning programming logic and I hear a lot about it, but I do not understand exactly what it means.

asked by anonymous 03.04.2014 / 05:49

6 answers


It seems like you're starting to program or learn logic programming, right?

When I went through this phase, I overheard the term increment by studying repeat loops, where in a loop do for example, a variable is incremented or decremented until it meets a certain condition. In these cases:


As @mgibsonbr has commented, it is the same as adding a quantity to the current value of a variable, usually storing the result in itself (in the variable).

x = 10;
x = (x + 5); //incrementar 5

In this example x becomes worth 15, because 10 + 5 = 15.


It is very similar to increment, but in this case a value of the variable is subtracted instead of adding.

x = 10;
x = (x - 5); //decrementar 5

In this example x becomes 5, because 10 - 5 = 5.

Note: Do not feel embarrassed to ask basic things, even if your questions receive several negative votes, because everyone went through this stage to get where they are today ... I hope I have helped.

03.04.2014 / 07:38

According to the dictionary, INCREMENT is:

  • development
  • increase
  • act of growing
  • increase
  • In programming the meaning is the same, we will increase something already existing. And there is also the option of decrementing something already existing, that is, decrease / withdraw.

    Incremental and Decremental Operators

    The incremental and decremental operators have the function of increasing or decreasing exactly the value of a variable by 1. They can be pre or post incremental and pre or post decremental. See the concepts of each of them and a practical example below:

    - Incremental (++):

    · Pre incremental or prefix - Means that if the signal is placed before the variable, first it will add the value 1 for this variable, then continue the resolution of the expression.

    $x = 0;
    $resultado = ++$x + 20;
    echo $resultado; // o valor de 21

    · Incremental post or suffix - Means that if the signal is placed after the variable, the expression is solved first, be it addition, subtraction, multiplication or any other, and then add the value 1 to the variable. / p>

    $x = 0;
    $resultado = ($x++) + 20;
    echo $resultado; // o valor de 20
    echo $x // o valor é 1

    - Decremental (-):

    · Pre incremental or prefix - Means that if the signal is placed before the variable, it will first subtract the value 1 for this variable, followed by the resolution of the expression.

    $x = 0;
    $resultado = --$x + 20;
    echo $resultado; // o valor de 19

    · Incremental post or suffix - means that if the signal is placed after the variable, the expression is solved first, be it addition, subtraction, multiplication or any other, then subtract the value 1 from the variable. / p>

    $x = 0;
    $resultado = ($x--) + 20;
    echo $resultado; // o valor de 20
    echo $x // o valor é -1

    Source: What is INCREASE

    23.04.2014 / 04:51

    Short answer

    Increment is a common term in programming, which refers to adding 1 to a variable, and storing the value in the variable itself.

    It would be the same as doing so:

    valor = valor + 1

    Because there is an increment operator

    This term has become so common because it is a much-used operation, even having specific processor-specific instructions for the incremental operation.

    It is very used, especially in loops (example in C #):

    for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)

    Note that the increment operation will be used at least 1000 times in this loop.

    It turns out that the loop made in this way is a heavily used code structure, and therefore requires maximum performance, in such a way that the impact of the loop itself is minimal and little affects the code that really matters, which is inside the tie.

    Almost all languages have an increment operator. C # is just an example, but the operator exists in many other languages: javascript, C, C ++, java.

    The ++

    In languages that use the ++ operator, generally the language allows you to use it in two ways.

    • prefix ++valor : The value to be returned by this expression is the value after the increment. That is:

      valor = 10;
      valor2 = ++valor; // valor2 será atribuido com o valor 11
    • suffix valor++ : The value to be returned by this expression is the value before the increment. That is:

      valor = 10;
      valor2 = valor++; // valor2 será atribuido com o valor 10
    03.04.2014 / 15:03

    Increment = Add

    Increase 5 to result > resultado = resultado + 5

    Increase the result > resultado = resultado + 1

    03.04.2014 / 13:58

    Increment is the term that defines the action of adding a new value to an existing one. In most languages by default the term defines the sum of an existing number with 1.

    Example in javascript:

    // A variavel test é definida com o valor 1.
    var test = 1;
    // A variável test é "incrementada" e passa a ter o valor 2.
    // É o mesmo que:
    // test = test + 1;

    There is also the term decrement that is used to define the subtraction on the underside of addition.


    03.04.2014 / 14:13

    The act of incrementing is: adding one more value to the initial value, so the final value is going to have one more value.

    // A variavel valor é definida com 1.
    var valor = 1;
    // A variável valor é "incrementada" e passa a ter 2.
    // valor = valor + 1;
    08.06.2017 / 11:02